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in Joomla Templates by luc-decauwer (500 points)
Is module class suffix supported in Joomla templates created by TemplateToaster? I cannot get this to work properly.

10 Answers

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)

We have solved the issue in latest build( You can download latest version from http://templatetoaster.com/downloads/TemplateToaster.exe

TemplateToaster Support
by luc-decauwer (500 points)
I am sorry, but I do not notice any difference from before (using version
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)

We are unable to produce the issue. Please open a support ticket at http://templatetoaster.com/support with url to your site and exported template.

TemplateToaster Support
by kaiba (220 points)

I don't understand how to create different looks for modules in templatetoaster. I want the ability to style different modules like in the attached image. I know how to change this in joomla back-end but have no idea how to create different styles in templatetoaster. A Noob proof explanation would really come in handy.

Thank you for your kind help.

module styling.png
by niall (540 points)
Good afternoon.

How do you apply TTR_BLOCK to the various module positions? As it is there is no formatting applied to the various module positions and adding ttr_block to the Module Class Suffix does not get applied.

How do the many TT nodule positions get styled? In Artisteer there are the default styles that can be applied, nothing happens in a TT template when I do the same. How would I style a menu placed in an alternate module position?

Looking forward to some feedback.
by simon (2.3k points)
I have a similar problem which I have brought up before. It is maddening that if you give a sidebar module styling you cannot have any other thing in that sidebar without it taking on that styling. So if I want to use an extension position left in the sidebar it takes on the style of the sidebar module.

This is a big problem for me at the moment as I need to use a news ticker in the left sidebar but I cannot set it properly because I have to have it within the styling for the sidebar module??
by mgsoft (780 points)
yes - a great Problem for me...too
by fotocreaman (180 points)
I struggle with the same. I'm using a module that needs Module Class Suffix in order to display correctly. The module is not in the side bar but in the main page. How can I get this to work? If this function is not working TT becomes more or less unusable for me, despite all the other advantages.
by iceferret (3.3k points)
Forgive me if i'm wrong but I think what you are after isn't done in TT but in the Joomla CMS as a module override, there are simpler explanations out there but initially try the official one:
by shared (180 points)
I'm not sure I understand you. The module is working in any other template I use. But not with a TT developed template.
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