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I can't find any details of the software licence terms on your website.

Do I have to renew every year? If so, how much does it cost?

If I choose not to renew does my current version of the software continue to function?

Many thanks

3 Answers

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
You can use your purchased TemplateToaster version for lifetime. We offer free updates for one year with every license, it means you’ll be able to upgrade to all the versions released within one year, after that period you can either update your subscription or continue using your purchased version. Yearly updates renewal(if needed) will cost you 40% of original product price.

Please visit our FAQs page: http://templatetoaster.com/faqs
Am considering buying TT.

I have a question about upgrading / lincence terms as well.

If I buy it now, I get free upgrades for a year, and renewal of upgrade for another year is 40% (about 40USD for the highest tier software) of the actual cost.

So if I buy now, I get version 3.1, and maybe by the time 1 year is up, I will have gotten maybe version 4 for free.

Assuming I do not upgrade / renew for a couple of years, and at a future version I want to upgrade (new features I want maybe), how does that work? Do I pay 40% to jump from version 4 to version 6 or something?

Can I redownload the software any time in the future (assuming I lost backups / computer crash) after making the purchase?

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
Am considering buying TT.

I have a question about upgrading / lincence terms as well.

If I buy it now, I get free upgrades for a year, and renewal of upgrade for another year is 40% (about 40USD for the highest tier software) of the actual cost.

So if I buy now, I get version 3.1, and maybe by the time 1 year is up, I will have gotten maybe version 4 for free.

Assuming I do not upgrade / renew for a couple of years, and at a future version I want to upgrade (new features I want maybe), how does that work? Do I pay 40% to jump from version 4 to version 6 or something?

Can I redownload the software any time in the future (assuming I lost backups / computer crash) after making the purchase?


You can purchase the new upgrades anytime, we don't restrict you to purchase it within your free period. Yes, you'll be able to jump from v4 to v6 by purchasing upgrade.

Sure you can re-download TemplateToaster anytime, don't hesitate to contact us if you get any issue.
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