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in New Features Discussion by lifeok (1.4k points)
Dear templatetoaster

Your Products are good but not a best

see new function in artisteer

1 . See your elements Function and then you see artisteer Controls Function

that is game changes

2 . See your Header Function and then you see artisteer Slider Function

Note :- I need logo and slider where i do
that time logo or slider . i can not use both

3 . See your page Function and then you see artisteer layout Function

that time everything is ok and very good for

5 Answers

yes that tu
I say Templatetoaster.

Artisteer is for noobs and Templatetoaster is for professional designers.

Where is the Module Positions Option in Artisteer ?
Where is the additional page templates design option in Artisteer ?
Do you check the quality and quantity of the code generated by Artisteer ?

No software is perfect but Templatetoaster is the best.
by helenbakker (500 points)
I have worked with Artisteer for the last few years, and even after using TT for only 1 day, I am so impressed that Artisteer is completely outranked.
Support here at TT is incredibly fast and helpful, where in Artisteer I sometimes waited for weeks to get an answer. Artisteer support copies and pastes their answers from other posts, without actually looking at your questions.

The few minor glitches I found in TT were solved within 24 hours.

On top of all that, Artisteer has in all their wisdom decided to remove the Visual Editor from WordPress when uploading one of their themes. Now that is what I call 'messing with code to cover up messing with code'.
Extremely bad, especially when you are building themes for clients to use. How am I going to explain to them that when they want to change anything on an existing page, they have to learn HTML??? They pay me so they don't have to understand code.

Add to that the lack of extra page templates, and I think my choice is well made. Needless to say, David, I couldn't agree with you more.

templatetoaster is rock
by lifeok (1.4k points)
Do you have template or them
paid or free like http://billionthemes.com/Themes/Index?s ... rch.Cms=17

most is layout - colors - fonts

fast download your them http://templatetoaster.com/showcase/ and open it

layout are not work or you see this link http://templatetoaster.com/showcase/ you can not do that
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