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in Issues/Bugs by

first: good job! looks fine and is easy to handle.

- I have an laptop with 2GHZ and 3GB DDR2 and Windows Vista.
TT is sometimes very slow and if i am to fast it chrashed.
- the export for drupal 6 and 7 didn`t work. I klick but nothing happen.
- and please, don`t translate css terms in German! e.g. child should remain child and does not mean "kind"
or the Menu "Körper" leave it body. And "Taste" leave it button...
It makes confusions, cause in German wie work with english terms. ;-)

9 Answers

by administrator1 (940 points)
Thanks for reporting, we have already fixed the export issue and the updated version will be available in few days.

Thanks for the suggestions.
by foxbox (280 points)
...we have already fixed the export issue and the updated version will be available in few days...

awesums, just posted a ticket about it and about a crash before I found this forum xD
by foxbox (280 points)
Today I noticed that there is no specific note whether TT runs in 32 or 64 bit mode.

So in my search for a work-around for the export issue, I have tried to install TT into the C:\Program Files (x86)\ folder. I have also tried to set the save folder rights to "everyone", just to rule this out as well. I have even tried to run it with administrator right, but computer said no.

Would you be so kind to post the update please with the bugfix please, I'm getting a bit desperate :lol:

Computer: Win7, 64b, 4Gb memory
by administrator1 (940 points)
TemplateToaster works on both 32 and 64 bit OS, we are just finalizing the updated version having fix.
by foxbox (280 points)
Awesums, waiting in anticipation :mrgreen:
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
We fixed this issue in 1.3 beta.
by 3olution (240 points)
Export for Drupal still very buggy!
Can not test your program fully out, until this is fixed.
Best regards
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
Export for Drupal still very buggy!
Can not test your program fully out, until this is fixed.
Best regards

Thanks for reporting, are you getting any crash while exporting for Drupal, little more details to reproduce the issue may be very helpful.
by 3olution (240 points)
Export for Drupal still very buggy!
Can not test your program fully out, until this is fixed.
Best regards

Thanks for reporting, are you getting any crash while exporting for Drupal, little more details to reproduce the issue may be very helpful.

Main problem is, when your program creates the template. the missing entrance in the css,
for an background under the #ttr_footer section.
So long this entrance is missing, the whole template has for all text only transparent background.
Also the different column colorings are total off.
( as example under tpl.php: headercolumn 1/2/3/4 and css: ttr_banner_header )
But this applies for all column.
The menu don't appear in the menu section
( didn't check out the reason why not, hadn't simply the time to do it )

Also very important is in the CSS the missing entrance:
(or the Tabs overrun the right sidebar)

ul.primary {
float: left;
width: 100%;
border: 0;

ul.primary li{
float: left;
margin: 1em 0 0 0;
border-bottom:1px solid #BBBBBB;

I hope this was a little bit of help.

Best regards
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