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I've used Artisteer 3.1 in the past and would like to upgrade to 4.0, but i see lots of negative comments about the software and support. If anyone has tried both, let me know what you think about changing to TemplateToaster.


9 Answers

...I just trying it...and I face to issues ! VERY slow (my computer runs very heavy softwares without any problem but not TT !), a problem of missing export files ! I also came from artisteer...and I really don't know what to do !! :oops:
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
...I just trying it...and I face to issues ! VERY slow (my computer runs very heavy softwares without any problem but not TT !), a problem of missing export files ! I also came from artisteer...and I really don't know what to do !! :oops:

1- (Slow Issue): Do you have video card on your computer ?
2- (a problem of missing export files !): Can you explain this issue in some detail
I'm thinking of buying this too.
Well I almost bought this software. But I never got a response to my post.

On top of that the demo crash and I got no response on that either.

While the new Artisteer is a major step backward. At least there are some signs of life...

... I'm going to wait for something better.
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
Well I almost bought this software. But I never got a response to my post.

On top of that the demo crash and I got no response on that either.

While the new Artisteer is a major step backward. At least there are some signs of life...

... I'm going to wait for something better.

I just replied to your other post. You'll get email alerts if you sign in before posting.
by trogladyte (1.4k points)
Well I almost bought this software. But I never got a response to my post.

On top of that the demo crash and I got no response on that either.

While the new Artisteer is a major step backward. At least there are some signs of life...

... I'm going to wait for something better.

Signs of life? Are you really serious? Extensoft stopped showing signs of life months, if not years ago. I've used Artisteer since V2.1 so I've watched the decline.


1. Don't listen to their paying customers requests
2. Delete posts they don't like from their junk forum
3. Ban certain "naughty" words in their forum (like TemplateToaster)
4. Refuse to fix well-known, well documented bugs
5. Take 6 months to release a "new version" - 4.2 - which gives Tumblr templates and online export - no access to your files for editing after export
6. Claim Tumblr has 5 times the user base of Wordpress, Drupal and Joomla put together

Need I go on? They either need to fire all their managers who, obviously, have lost the will to live, or, at least, the will to produce what their customers are asking for, or they need to be bought out (resulting in the same outcome - fire the idiots who won't listen). Yep, I'm kinda angry at them for ruining what was a pretty good piece of software. That's why I'm here.
by 2ninerniner2 (1.2k points)
+1 for trogladyte !

I too have been a long time Artisteer user, since day one in 2008. Have kept up my license until earlier this year. But that was the last of my money they will see, for all of the above-noted reasons.

I purchased TT way back in the version 1 days and liked what I saw, but found it wasn't quite ready for my "prime time". Upgraded when version 2 became available and that was quite an improvement, but still a bit lacking. I sort of forgot about TT until this evening when cruising the Artisteer "complaint board" and someone mentioned the latest TT 3 was "WOW"! So did the update (my license is still good until Dec. this year) and man, I have to wholeheartedly concur! What an amazing advancement! :) Going to be spending some time doing more testing but I sure do like what I am now seeing.

And the other main thing that I like about TT is that they are here on their boards, answering concerns and even implementing recommendations. That you will not ever see at the "other place". Now, if we could only find out where TT lives, that would be the icing on my cake; I always like to know where the folks are that end up getting my money :)
by trogladyte (1.4k points)
Hey Lyle. Nice to see a familiar "face" over here!! Yes, v3 was a gigantic step forward and, yes, they are listening.
by admin (160 points)
i sell my license because my website is already build for me..
€50,- fvn18info@ziggo.nl
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