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in Issues/Bugs by keithadv (1.4k points)
I'm not entirely sure if this is a bug or just some weirdness I don't understand. Seems like a bug.

I styled a title and slogan for my Wordpress theme in TemplateToaster, exported it, and uploaded it to the little site I've been using to note bugs I find along the way. As the text in the header shows in my Test Area, almost nothing was retained--neither the words, type size, color, nor placement.

The typeface (Arial) was retained.

The styling information was overridden by the defaults in Theme Options. The Title and Slogan themselves were overridden by the Total/Tagline in the Appearance->General section.

Maybe I can understand why it might necessary for one re-enter the text in Appearance->General, but why don't the styling changes created in TemplateToaster carry over to Theme Options?

2 Answers

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)

We are unable to produce the issue. Please try re-installing the theme.

TemplateToaster Support
by keithadv (1.4k points)
You're right. There's no bug. Thank you for checking!

I've been testing by uploading theme changes without un-activating and re-activating my test theme. Usually that works but in the case of already-set Theme Options it does not.

Just now, I simply activated Twenty Thirteen and then re-activated the test theme and all of the header/slogan styling was fine. The actual words of the title/tagline didn't change but I don't believe WordPress saves that information in the theme folder so I never expected them to.

You guys are great!
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