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in Joomla Templates by laurawrites-net (120 points)
Hi. I just downloaded Template Toaster yesterday and have been playing around with the program. I wanted to know if there was a way to use both a background color, as well as a header image.

The only setting I can find is on the "body" area, but it will only let me pick a color or a header image. I don't have a specific area to work on header content.

I hope this is an option soon. I've used Artisteer for some time and it would be nice to have an alternative. Thanks!

3 Answers

by administrator1 (940 points)
Currently you can use either background/gradient or image in header or body, I have added your requirement to our wish list and we'll implement it in next version.

You can edit title/slogan from Header tab or by directly clicking the title/slogan you'll see a dock panel on left side from where you can select/edit any property.

We updated TemplateToaster yesterday, make sure you have latest version, current version is, you can check it under File>>Help.

Don't hesitate to open a support ticket in case you need any help: http://templatetoaster.com/support
by manuelgod (140 points)
Why is the background image button [browse] disabled?
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
I don't see it disabled, you need to select the browse option from: Body>> Image>> More>> From top three radio buttons select Image and you'll see a browse button.

Please don't hesitate to open a support ticket in case you still face any issue http://templatetoaster.com/support

We'll move that option to front in next version.
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