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in New Features Discussion by

7 Answers

Antax didn't ask a question so I'll ask it.

Is it possible to import Artisteer Templates into Template Toaster?
I have a number of Artisteer Templates for clients, but I'm sick and tired of waiting for Artisteer to fix its Responsive problems.

I've downloaded your product and will be buying a Pro licence as I've very impressed with how it handles Responsive design.

I know that there are many Artisteer users who are similarly disappointed and would want to be able to import existing templates into Template Toaster. I even posted details of TT on the Artisteer forum so other users could find your product.

Sorry for rambling :roll: - Regards, David
Artisteer is coming out with a 4.2 beta version in July, so maybe they will have made improvements to include responsive templates.

Even so, doubt if Artisteer will reach the level of Template Toaster.

Of course, Artisteer has taken 5 months to even announce a new version "beta" release, which seems to me to be way too long without any updates, etc.

Even so, Template Toaster is now "our template creator" of choice.

It will also get plenty of space in the TEMPLATES Chapter in our new book:

Joomla 3: Boot Camp, which will be available on amazon.com later this year.


Not promoting the book, just mentioning that the book is "real" and Template Toaster will get some space in the Templates chapter.

Hi herb200mph

That's very interesting, but you didn't answer my question.
I'm wondering if it's possible to import Artisteer templates into TemplateToaster because having changed my templat creation tool, I don't really want to have to start from scratch for the existing templates I have.

I want to be able to import them and modify them in TT so they are truly responsive.

Regards, David
I have found no way to import an Artisteer template into TT, which is why I posted it in the New Features Discussion. :D

This would be a nice feature and would defiantly get another step up on the competition. I'm guessing there are some licensing and copyright issues that would have to be dealt with first.
"Antax" your so right I would much rather user TemplateToaster than artisteer and if they would find a way to import artisteer theme its a rap.

I would say that all artisteer customer would move over the Template Toaster for sure.

I build alot of site with artisteer and I will be buying your TemplateToaster Pro version today. Im so sick of artisteer waiting for month for them to fix the responsive layout stuff thats just wrong.
It would be awesome though.
by panicosh (1.2k points)
No way !!!!!

Come on guys, get serious please.

We all were using Artisteer and we left and we came to Template Toaster because Artisteer wasn't what we wanted.It disappointed our expectations.

Template Toaster's philosophy and architecture is much better than Artisteer. Template Toaster is light years ahead of Artisteer.

We all have templates created by Artisteer so we better start working to RE CREATE them again in Template Toaster.

If we start importing templates created by Artisteer into Template Toaster, then in the end Template Toaster will become another version of Artisteer, is that what we want? No !!!!

So, the BEST way is to start over again and re create those templates.

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