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Hey, this is Mike
Let me know if you need any assistance
in General Discussion by templatetoaster-tsgc (180 points)

I've recently updated to the latest version ( while I was working on a Joomla template. I then tried to run the new version with the older TTR file. I was presented with a 'this file if corrupt' error. I then backed out and reinstalled The same thing happened.

I then uninstalled all versions of TT. I then ran CCCleaner to remove any extra files/registry entries and defragged. I then reinstalled the last version that worked but in a different location.

I evidently was able to open the file but it had missing components and settings. So I started from a older backup and recreated what I was working on.

I am finally finished with the template. I then attempt to export the file. I select ZIP and 1.6+. Then picked various locations and clicked 'Export.' No error messages or freezes... but no files either. I've also tried exporting to a folder... still noting exports.

So, I do not know what else to do. I've noticed the following folder though:

Are the contents of this folder exactly what is needed to 'export' the template so I can import it into Joomla? If so, it is missing the xml file and the css file(s).

I am running the following:
Windows 7 Professional 64bit SP1 (TT usually installs into C:\Program Files (x86)\ folder. So I assume that TT is not totally 64bit compatible?)
Microsoft .Net 32bit:

Microsoft .Net 64bit:

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much,

4 Answers

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)

We already sent you an updated TemplateToaster version having fix on support.
by templatetoaster-tsgc (180 points)

This forum posting was before mu support ticket.

I can confirm that the latest version,, is now allowing my to export my template.

Thank you,
I am trying the test version pro :

I have the same issue, I can export once a template. I made a modification and want to export again...no file ! No message ! No error !
If I add the very slow reactivity of software, I don't think that I will buy your product...very disapointed ! :cry:
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
I am trying the test version pro :

I have the same issue, I can export once a template. I made a modification and want to export again...no file ! No message ! No error !
If I add the very slow reactivity of software, I don't think that I will buy your product...very disapointed ! :cry:


1- (Export Issue): Please try restarting TemplateToaster.
2- (Slow Issue): Actually we can't reproduce this slow issue on our end, can you please open a support ticket and provide us little more details like where it is slow. Is it slow from the starting or slow down after some set of steps: http://templatetoaster.com/support

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