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in Joomla Templates by xiddix2012 (220 points)
Hi there,
I'm having a problem with the joomla template that I created with Template Toaster. The Modules located above the header don't display on mobile devices. The same thing happens with the Modules on the footer. They display correctly on a computer's screen.

7 Answers

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
TemplateToaster block some module positions depending on the visitor device size.

We can recommend you some CSS modifications on having a look at your site.
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)

We have implemented the feature "module position in mobile view" in latest build( You can download latest version from http://templatetoaster.com/downloads/TemplateToaster.exe

TemplateToaster Support
by allan (220 points)
No Template Toaster you DID NOT implement this in your latest version.
I have been emailing back and forth discussing this issue, and also have been told that this has "fixed" the problem, yet after updating to this latest version, i am still NOT ABLE to create or view MOBILE MODULE POSITIONS.

Please review what you release before hand, as it is a complete waste of time to update WITHOUT ANY PROMISED RESULTS.

This latest version IN NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM has implemented this feature.

If this is not possible, then please just say so.
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)

In latest version you have an option "Show in Mobile View" under Module Position -> Position cell.

TemplateToaster Support
by jrgweb (640 points)
@allan - There is a new version out now. If you go to update within TT it does not find an update.
I had to go to download or Home page to download the current update.

I verified that it does have this new feature.

[ img ]

Hopefully this will fix your problem. :?:

download: http://templatetoaster.com/downloads/TemplateToaster.exe

This should be the correct version.
Thank you @jrgweb I now have my modules displayed on mobile devices.

I truly appreciate the screenshot with the instruction, you've been the greatest help.

This might be already known to TT users but with this feature you must click "show in mobile view" for every module that you want displayed on your website. Clicking it for one module does select them all.

Thanks again @jrgweb, you've been an outstanding help!
by allan (220 points)
Sorry I did not realize that I was not signed in when I posted that comment.

I meant to write "Clicking it for one module does NOT select them all."
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