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in New Features Discussion by keybizhosting (400 points)
OK , Gonna need time to check it all and I'm not complaining just reporting:

On the buttons line height off by default, when opening templates.
No Browser Preview on any of the 3 Browsers
The footer test overflow on template start up.
No HTML Export.. may have missed something here!
Don't know if I missed something, but not seeing how to create HTML page/s to export??

But all in all looks like lots of improvements are in the works! :)

Magento support Is a Plus from though.

I shall report as I find, and thanks!


3 Answers

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)

Thanks for reporting the issues, we have already fixed the Buttons text alignment and the Browsers display issue in yesterday's version which is available on our beta download page.

We are still working on the HTML export feature, will try to release it ASAP.
by keybizhosting (400 points)
Say thank you very much for your quick come back and solution, I found another issue that sometimes happens
When changing from a current project to opening a new one the, application does nothing.

again not complaining and this is a Beta so these things need and will as it appears be rectified... thanks

My OS is Window 7 and I'm running very powerful PC, I'm posting these things here so everyone know you are working on these issues..An I still getting accustom to you software LOL!

by keybizhosting (400 points)
OK very nice... The issue I mentioned my last post, seems to be fixed also along with the other stuff previously mentioned..

Seems faster and smoother also and the Borders look much better and the menus and buttons as well..... great job so far! thanks!!!! :)

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