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Hey, this is Mike
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in Issues/Bugs by dany (220 points)
Hi again!
One question, In the website says that Template Toaster is available in several languages. During installing it asks you which one, but after installing the programs is still in English. It is not a real problem for me, (I know English) but I just want to let you know, in case it is a bug. (If its not I am sorry, maybe I did not find the option to change the language).

Keep up the good work!

4 Answers

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
Thanks for reporting, we'll look into this, meanwhile please try selecting the Language from File>> Preference
by dany (220 points)
I tried your suggestion but the language was already configured in Spanish, although the program is still in English!

Hope this helps!
by administrator1 (940 points)
This Language selection issue has been fixed.
by suchmaschinenwelt (140 points)
Yes, and you really need to fix the German language: Who did translate this? I've never seen an application that has been this poorly translated...
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