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in New Features Discussion by
I have had great success in deploying the templates I have created in TT.

As my development continues to evolve, I am using more JQuery, and 3rd party Joomla extensions which support the standardized formats that ThemeRoller offers.

If it has not already been asked for, I would love to see the ability for a TT template to adhere to the ThemeRoller object naming model, so that my JQuery based content can more seamlessly integrate with my Theme.

This may not be a common request for most content developers, but I am using TT and Joomla as the framework for custom business application development.

Thanks for a great product, I look forward to continued use in the future.

1 Answer

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)

Our latest build( solves the JQuery conflict in joomla template. You may like to try it. You can download it from http://templatetoaster.com/downloads/TemplateToaster.exe
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