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Hey, this is Mike
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in Issues/Bugs by mkwdmike (2.0k points)

Using this version:
Can't edit Title content
Can't edit Slogan content
can't edit copyright
Can't edit designed by
Having problems saving projects.

Exported templates fail to insert content bg.
Conflict with plugins: Flexible Frontend Login, FS Contact Form.

5 Answers

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
Can't edit Title content
Can't edit Slogan content
can't edit copyright
Can't edit designed by
\\ In 2.0 editing is under More option. We'll bring it back to front end in next update.

Having problems saving projects.
\\ Are you getting any error message while trying to save ?

Conflict with plugins: Flexible Frontend Login, FS Contact Form.
\\We fixed one conflict in today's version(will be available shortly) and can't reproduce second.
by mkwdmike (2.0k points)
Having problems saving projects.
\\ Are you getting any error message while trying to save ?

There are no error messages.

\\ In 2.0 editing is under More option. We'll bring it back to front end in next update.

There are a lot of things in "More" options. I'll have a look

\\We fixed one conflict in today's version(will be available shortly) and can't reproduce second

I have attached my JOOMLA templ to a support ticket (#525434).
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
In which TemplateToaster version are you getting the save issue ?
by mkwdmike (2.0k points)
In which TemplateToaster version are you getting the save issue ?

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)

The save issue has been fixed.
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