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in Joomla Templates by mkwdmike (2.0k points)

I'm using a TT joomla template (v and there is a conflict with aicontact safe module.

The capcha does not display. It shows an elipsis(...) only. The module works fine in other templates not by TT.

Sorry, can't show example as I've got to disable capcha so the site can be used.

I've picked a great time to mention this one - Friday is POETS day :mrgreen:

You can see it here: http://darkroomanddigital.co.uk/index.php/contact.html

Any help would be appreciated

Further to the above, it appears that once the contact page is viewed, TT template somehow ignores the SEF URL Settings. This means that all the details of the url are shown.

3 Answers

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
I don't see that issue in latest version(will be available on downloads page after 2 hours).

Please open a support ticket for quick solution of any issue http://templatetoaster.com/support/
by mkwdmike (2.0k points)
I don't see that issue in latest version(will be available on downloads page after 2 hours).

That's good, but all the template s from V1.5 aren't compatible, so have to start from scratch.
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
We made some major improvements in 2.0 backend and unfortunately TemplateToaster 1.x projects can not be opened in TemplateToaster 2.0 version.
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