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in Issues/Bugs by marleene (140 points)
Why is it that my projects never look the same when I reopen them after I have saved them?
I keep changing the same things over and over again and save my project, when I then reopen them I have to change the same thing again.

I can save a project with a perfectly fine and working headline and when I open it again the headline is gone and cannot be put back. Or It looks to be there but when previewing it is not there.

I also change module placements and names and they won't save. Neither will responsive layout setting.

Most things I can live with, but I do need my pages to have headlines. And if I make a new project all is fine, but as I sad when I save and reopen the headline is messed up somehow and I can't get it back.

1 Answer

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
We fixed all that issues in latest 2.0 version http://templatetoaster.com/downloads/TemplateToaster.exe
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