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in Issues/Bugs by
I have been trying out the software for a few hours now and I just tried to save, exit and reopen my template.
Only issue is that I can't open the template again. It just keeps loading and loading forever. Tried three times and this time I've been waiting more than 10 minutes now and still nothing.

No point in having a software to make templates if you cannot open what you have saved, please help me.

4 Answers

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
Which TemplateToaster version did you use for saving the .ttr file, you can check it from File>> Help.

Can you provide us your .ttr file on support ?
I used version
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
Can you provide us your .ttr project file on support http://templatetoaster.com/support
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
We fixed save/open issue in latest 2.0 version http://templatetoaster.com/downloads/TemplateToaster.exe
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