Customer service
Hey, this is Mike
Let me know if you need any assistance
in General Discussion by sfavrongmail-com (820 points)
edited by sfavrongmail-com
Hi you have not reply to my question for more than 1 month to my last ticket number in my profile, it seem i must use the public forum because the chat form dont work. I had manually downloaded the last version and install the last version. Unfortunatly after install it say that it is a trial. This is not good at all for your company, each customers that has paid and have activated and try to download the update "wich is unsuccesful"; then try to donwload the new version "expecting" that the new version will detect the previous "activated" version, so no need to activate it again. Note that this message is recorded and dated the 28 september 2024. Its sad that this situation arrive to some customer as me and that could happen to others, because you will lost a lot of customers that have the same situation as mine. I do hope that i dont have to use my second activation number and that it wont happen again. Thanks for your time and help. Again this message is recorder, and dated the 28 september 2024.

I want to also tell you that this message has also been put on some online drives, wich make the servers put a proof date of this message. If you want i can give you one link "in private" that proove that this message has been recorded and is also dated. As told i do hope that my last ticket number will have a reply soon. Because my previous activated software was not able to download and update it self, i had to manually download the recent version; wich should have detected my previous "activated" version when i installed. But it did not and made templatetoaster as a trial when i have paid for it.

A thing for sure i'm continuing to bring new customers to templatetoaster, because i believe that you are great peoples, give great fast services and that your product is superbe also. I do hope that this message will be put as some priority to the direct assistance or some high ranked team member, because the chat have some difficulty's. Thanks for your time and help.

1 Answer

ago by murat (240 points)
I am currently experiencing the same problems
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