in Joomla Templates by jotaperez (120 points)

I am new with Templatetoaster.

I'm seeing the demo of the Joomla Template for Template "Brand":

And I wanted to know how to make those divs 100% wide as the one that appears in "About Us" and "Meet Our Team".

I downloaded the Brand template for Joomla and I do not see those divs.

Thank you in advance.

1 Answer

by lisa-west (35.1k points)

Content displayed in template demos on Marketplace page is for illustration purpose only. Currently TemplateToaster provide content import feature only for WordPress i.e. WordPress with Content. Right now, our development team is working on Joomla with Content, we will soon provide the feature in future version of TemplateToaster. Meanwhile, you can add content in your Joomla website from the CMS backend after installing TemplateToaster exported zip, styles and layout will be applied to your Joomla pages same as designed in template.


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